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As you are reading this, even though you are reading silently, you may experience the sensation of hearing your voice speaking the words...

Analyse this…synthesise that – a pedagogical focus.
This is not a blog about phonics, but let’s start with phonics… When mathematician/philosopher/polymath Blaise Pascal developed a...
The Eyes Have It - what can eye movements tell us about reading instruction.
We may never know how we learn to read and what the cognitive processes of a skilled, fluent reader actually involve. Although fMRI...

Not so simple...The Simple View of Reading.
At the heart of the conflict between whole language approaches to reading and code emphasis approaches appears to be a confusion between...

The Eyes Have It - what eye movements can tell us about reading instruction.
We may never know how we learn to read and what the cognitive processes of a skilled, fluent reader actually involve. Although fMRI...

English spelling! Do I really have to teach it?
Discovering the alphabetic principle appears to be the key to learning to read (Backman, 1983; Bradley and Bryant, 1978), with the...
Sorry, just not ready to read yet. The fallacy of Reading Readiness.
The complexity of the acquisition of skills required to even begin reading has prompted considerable debate as to when reading...
Theoretical models of reading - better informed but none the wiser?
For skilled readers, silently reading text feels no more demanding than listening to an audiobook and in many ways can be easier:...

The whole language reading Rasputin gets a blow to the head - simple.
Whilst Smith and Goodman were condemning millions of children to illiteracy - 60% of Californian nine and ten-year olds taught by their...

"From decoding to automaticity - the missing link" - The Reading Ape webinar recording.
STEP Ahead Teaching School Hub have made a recording of the webinar available - click here .
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