"From decoding to automaticity - the missing link" - The Reading Ape webinar recording.STEP Ahead Teaching School Hub have made a recording of the webinar available - click here .
A (not very short) history of reading...LANGUAGE The evolution of oppositional thumbs and an erect stature have been fundamental developments in mankind, but when the ancients...
Huey and Dewey - Disneyworld for reading.Edmund Burke Huey was the most influential writer on reading instruction in the twentieth century. His bestselling ‘The Psychology and...
Hyperlexia - a deficit or a super-ability?It would appear that reading difficulties for children fall into two broad categories: developmental dyslexia – extreme decoding problems...
What happens when we 'let the wrong one in'.Kenneth Goodman and Frank Smith’s whole language theory of reading, whereby decoding and word recognition are eschewed for the pursuit of...
The character of writing systems - characters or letters; which is better?Alphabetic writing systems, though ubiquitous are not universal. Non-alphabetic writing systems are not, however, anachronistic and,...
Dyslexia...Disputed? Distortive? Disease? Discuss...In 1896 a paper entitled ‘A case of congenital word blindness’ in the British Medical Journal (Morgan, 1896) reported the case of a...
Controlling the text - the dilemma of decodable texts.Code-based instruction explicitly and purposely teaches letter-sound correspondences systematically. Chall’s (1967) review of reading...
All References...Adams, F. and Gray, L., 1949. Teaching Children To Read. New York: Ronald Press. Adams, M. and Bruck, M. (1993). Word recognition: The...
So, you're going to be a primary/elementary school teacher...So, you’re going to teach children to read… Learning how to read is the single most important skill a child develops in...